Consequences and advice

vent violent
Strong Wind
vent de sable
Heat Wave
Vigilance orange
Possible damage:

Violent thunderstorms can cause significant damage at the local level.

Light dwellings and temporary facilities can incur serious damage at the local level.

Basements and low areas can be subject to floods very quickly.

Some fire outbreaks can be recorded in the forest, following lightning strikes which are not accompanied by rainfalls.


Be careful, especially during your trips and your leisure activities.

Avoid using the phone and electrical devices.

When the thunderstorm is approaching, secure your assets and seek shelter away from forest areas.

Do not go in any way, on foot or by car, in a submerged path or near a watercourse.

In case of intense rainfall, do not go down to the basement under any circumstances.

Lightning strikes can be recorded


    No particular awareness of the weather is required..


    Be careful. The weather is potentially dangerous. The weather phenomena that have been forecast are not unusual, but be attentive if you intend to practice activities exposed to meteorological risks.


    Be very careful. The weather is dangerous. Unusual meteorological phenomena have been forecast. Damage and casualties are likely to happen.


    The weather is very dangerous. Exceptionally intense meteorological phenomena have been forecast.

vigilance map

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