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On December 17, 2020 a press conference organized at the The National Institute of Meteorology  headquarters  to announce the launch of the project - Net de l'Environnement Transfrontalier Tunisie - Italy (NETTUNIT). the  project is part of the cross-border cooperation program Tunisia - Italy 2014-2020 funded by the European Union. 

This project aims to set up an information platform for the benefit of the  citizens  of the Republic of Tunisia and Sicily island to monitor and track marine and atmospheric pollutants, taking into account climatic factors. 

The National Meteorological Institute will oversee the implementation of this project in cooperation with three Italian institutions and each from the Abd al-Rahman Mami Hospital for Thoracic Diseases in Ariana and the Sfax Digital Research Center.


Framework Memorandum of Understanding, Between the Institute and Meteo - France


Policies and Programs.


A detailed list of the services provided by the Institute to the public, certificates issued to citizens, the documents necessary to obtain them, as well as conditions and deadlines, procedures, parties and steps related to the supply.


Legal, regulatory and interpretative texts governing its activities.

6 Tasks, structure, address, sub-headquarters, access and communication. Click here
7 Detailed budget. Click here

Information on the Institute's programs, including its achievements related to its activities.

9 List of documents made available to the Institute by electronic or paper means in relation to the services provided and the resources allocated to it.

Programmed and approved budget of the public contracts which the Institute intends to conclude and results of its implementation.