Direction of Mecca

AZ¹ of the sun
Sun height
AZ¹ of Sunrise
AZ¹ of Sunset
AZ¹ Qibla

note¹: AZ signify Azimuth


The present web application provides the Sun’s horizontal coordinates in real time, the azimuth and the direction of Mecca for each selected position on the map, allowing users to refer to the Qibla. However, this doesn't replace the field work carried out by the National Institute of Meteorology.

Indication: Astronomical data are calculated based on current date and time of your computer or Smartphone.


Azimuth of Mecca (Qibla Azimuth): Is the angle in the horizontal plane between the direction of the geographical north of the observer and the direction of Mecca. The azimuth is measured from the north in the retrograde direction.

Solar Azimuth: Is the angle in the horizontal plane between the direction of the geographical north of the observer and the vertical projection of the sun on the horizontal plane. The azimuth is measured from the north in the retrograde direction.

Solar Elevation: Is the angle in a vertical plane between the horizontal plane and the sun. The height varies from 0 ° (horizon) up to 90 ° (zenith).

sun azimuth , qibla azimuth
FIG: Sun height (HS)   sun Azimuth (AZM)  Qibla Azimuth (AZM)  


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